Season of Advent

Advent I To 16 December

Hymn #1 - Hear the Herald Voice Resounding

Hymn #1 has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Hear the Herald Voice Resounding."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Firmly I believe and Truly."

Hymn #2 - Creator of the Stars of Night

Hymn #2 has 3 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Now That The Daylight Fills The Sky."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Come, O Creator Spirit, Come."

Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "All People That On Earth Do Well."

Advent II From 17 December

Hymn #3 - The Co-eternal Son

Hymn #3 has 3 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Blest are the Pure in Heart."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Lord Jesus, Think on Me."

Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "The Co-Eternal Son."

Hymn #4 & 5 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Hymn #4 and #5 can be combined into one hymn, since the tune for both are the same..

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