Proper of Saints  Jan-June

The sample hymns found on this page are generally those found in the Proper of Saints, regardless of whether we are dealing with a Memorial, a Feast or a Solemnity. If the  hymn for a particular celebration requires that you refer to a particular Common, e.g. the Common of Pastors, then refer to the hymn found in the Common instead.

Jan 25 - Conversion of St. Paul the Apostles - Feast

Morning Prayer - Apostle of the gentiles, Paul

Hymn has 3 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Now That The Daylight Fills The Sky."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Come, O Creator Spirit, Come."

Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "All People That On Earth Do Well."

Feb 2 - Presentation of the Lord - Feast

Morning Prayer - Hail to the Lord who comes

Feb 22 - See of St. Peter the Apostle - Feast

Morning Prayer - O Peter, who were named by Christ

Hymn has 3 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Now That The Daylight Fills The Sky."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Come, O Creator Spirit, Come."

Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "All People That On Earth Do Well."

Feb 22 - See of St. Peter the Apostle - Feast

Morning Prayer - Alternative Hymn
Jesus, true God and Rock of our salvation

Hymn has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Father, We Praise You."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Sing, All Creation."

Mar 19 - St. Joseph, Husband of the BVM - Solemnity

Evening Prayer I - Joseph, the scriptures love to trace Ver. 1
Evening Prayer I - Joseph, the scriptures love to trace Ver. 2

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn of the same title, but using the metre LM. Since the tune uses the LM metre, the tune would need to be repeated to cover the 8 lines of each verse.

Mar 19 - St. Joseph, Husband of the BVM - Solemnity

Morning Prayer - Joseph, wise ruler of God's earthly household

Hymn has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Father, We Praise You."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Sing, All Creation."

Mar 25 - Annunciation of the Lord - Solemnity

Evening Prayer I & Morning Prayer

All creation was renewed

May 1 - St. Joseph the Worker - optional memorial

Morning Prayer - Joseph, the scriptures love to trace

June 24 - Birthday of St. John the Baptist - Solemnity

Morning Prayer - God called great prophets to foretell

Hymn has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Praise to the Holiest."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "When God had Filled the Earth with Life."

June 29 - Sts. Peter and Paul - Solemnity

Morning Prayer - What fairer light is this than time itself doth own metre but since this metre is not easy to find a tune which is easy to sing, the metre 66.66. could be used instead. If the metre 66.66. is used, the tune is repeated twice for each verse There are 2 versions

Hymn has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "It Were My Soul's Desire."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "When God had Filled the Earth with Life."

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