Proper of Saints Jan-June
The sample hymns found on this page are generally those found in the Proper of Saints, regardless of whether we are dealing with a Memorial, a Feast or a Solemnity. If the hymn for a particular celebration requires that you refer to a particular Common, e.g. the Common of Pastors, then refer to the hymn found in the Common instead.
Jan 25 - Conversion of St. Paul the Apostles - Feast
Morning Prayer - Apostle of the gentiles, Paul
Hymn has 3 versions.
Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Now That The Daylight Fills The Sky."
Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Come, O Creator Spirit, Come."
Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "All People That On Earth Do Well."
Feb 22 - See of St. Peter the Apostle - Feast
Morning Prayer - O Peter, who were named by Christ
Hymn has 3 versions.
Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Now That The Daylight Fills The Sky."
Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Come, O Creator Spirit, Come."
Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "All People That On Earth Do Well."
Mar 19 - St. Joseph, Husband of the BVM - Solemnity
Evening Prayer I - Joseph, the scriptures love to trace Ver. 1
Evening Prayer I - Joseph, the scriptures love to trace Ver. 2