Season of Lent

Lent - Hymn #15

God, of thy pity, unto us thy children

Hymn #15 has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Father, We Praise You."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Sing. All Creation."

Hymn #16, #18 & #19 have the same Metre LM and have 3 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Now That The Daylight Fills The Sky."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Come, O Creator Spirit, Come."

Version 3 uses the tune from the hymn "All People That On Earth Do Well."

Lent - Hymn #16

O God, creator of us all

Lent - Hymn #18

Jesus, the sun of ransomed earth

Hymn #18 is more suitable for Lauds or Morning Prayer

Lent - Hymn #19

Now let us all with one accord

Lent - Hymn #17

Lord Jesus, think on me

Hymn #17 has 2 versions.

Version 1 uses the tune from the hymn "Blest are the Pure in Heart."

Version 2 uses the tune from the hymn "Lord Jesus, Think on Me."

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