Line Chants

4 Line Chants
6 Line Chant

2 Line Chants

2 Line Chants are generally the most common chant format used for almost any psalm for Lauds (Morning Prayer) and Vespers (Evening Prayer).

The sample text for the sample chants is from Psalm 113A (114), the 2nd Psalm of Sunday Week 1 Evening Prayer II.  (In the Everyday Prayer book by Theological Publications of India (TPI), refer to pages 398-399. For other prayer books, refer to the relevant pages accordingly.) Here, the first 2 verses of Psalm 113A (114) are used as an example.

2 Line Chant - Ver 1

2 Line Chant - Ver 2

2 Line Chant - Ver 3

2 Line Chant - Ver 4

2 Line Chant - Ver 5

2 Line Chant - Ver 6

2 Line Chant - Ver 7


4 Line Chants

4 Line Chants is a chant format used for Lauds (Morning Prayer) and Vespers (Evening Prayer), and it is for psalms which have exactly 4 lines per verse.

The sample text for the sample chants is from Psalm 113A (114), the 2nd Psalm of Sunday Week 1 Evening Prayer II.  (In the Everyday Prayer book by Theological Publications of India (TPI), refer to pages 398-399. For other prayer books, refer to the relevant pages accordingly.) Here, the first 2 verses of Psalm 113A (114) are used as an example.

4 Line Chant - Ver 1

4 Line Chant - Ver 2

4 Line Chant - Ver 3

4 Line Chant - Ver 4


6 Line Chant

6 Line Chant is a chant format used for Lauds (Morning Prayer) and Vespers (Evening Prayer), and it is for psalms which have exactly 6 lines per verse.

The sample text for the sample chants is from Psalm 62(63), the 1st Psalm of Sunday Week 1 Morning Prayer.  (In the Everyday Prayer book by Theological Publications of India (TPI), refer to page 390. For other prayer books, refer to the relevant pages accordingly.) Here, the first 2 verses of Psalm 62(63) are used as an example.

For the Glory Be, the text is: Give praise to the Father Almighty, to His Son Jesus Christ the Lord, to the Spirit who dwells in our hearts, both now and forever. Amen.

6 Line Chant

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